Millimess 2000 Wi


IP protection category: IP 64
Data interface: Integrated Wireless, USB, Digimatic
Factory standard
Measuring span in mm: ± 1 mm
Resolution: 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01
Resolution inches: .000005″, .00001″, .00002″, .00005″, .0001″, .0002″, .0005″
Supply voltage: 100-240 V
Package contains: USB data and charging cable type DK-U1, Plug-in power supply (with 4 interchangeable adapters) for USB, rubber bellows, Screwdriver for pre-stroke adjustment (hexagon socket 0.9 mm), test certificate, instruction manual, Cardboard box

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Code No.: 4346701

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 5 cm

Technical Data

Measuring range mm ± 1
Product type 2000 Wi
Measuring range inches ± .04″
Standard Factory standard
IP protection category IP 64
Resolution 0.0001 mm , 0.0002 mm , 0.0005 mm , 0.001 mm , 0.002 mm , 0.005 mm , 0.01 mm
Battery type Lithium Polymer Accu 3.7 V
Resolution 0.000005 inch , 0.00001 inch , 0.00002 inch , 0.00005 inch , 0.0001 inch , 0.0002 inch , 0.0005 inch
Resolution (inches) 5.0E-5 inch
Measuring value hysteresis fu (µm) 0.3 µm
Repeatability fw (µm) 0.1 µm
Height of digits 11.5 mm


For static measuring tasks



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